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Torun Torbo

Historic transverse flutes
Music and video
CPE Bach: Sonate for fløyte solo, sats 1Torun Torbo
00:00 / 04:12
CPE Bach: Sonate for fløye, sats 2Torun Torbo
00:00 / 02:23
The Tone in the Ice, a Flute Story.
With Vegard Lund, lute
Two arias from the Mass in B minor by J.S.Bach, concert in Nidaros Cathedral with the Norwegian Baroque Orchestra and René Jacobs, 2014

BenedictusTorun Torbo, Werner Güra
00:00 / 04:00

Domine DeusTorun Torbo, Werner Güra, Sunhae Im
00:00 / 07:15
From Spotify
J.S.Bach: Frohe Hirten
With Mathias Gillebo,
Vestre Aker Church, 2019
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